Easter is just around the corner- Literally!! Why not leave a trail of these handy little tools and save the chocolate for yourself 😉
The BrushEgg is a fun and compact tool that is easy to transport and makes cleaning makeup brushes a breeze! Sadly, a large percentage of people don’t clean their makeup brushes properly or on a regular basis, and by not doing so this causes bacteria to build up, collecting oil, dust, leftover makeup, dirt, and dead skin particles trapped in the brushes. Every time you use a dirty brush, you are putting all of the buildup back onto your face. This doesn’t help your skin at all either. All of these factors can cause your makeup bristles to dry out and become brittle, as well as give you extreme acne breakouts and puts you at risk of developing allergies or sensitivities to products! Remember the importance of proper hygiene and cleanliness to avoid making any of these mistakes and start cleaning your brushes after each use!
The BrushEgg is made of a silky soft and durable silicone and is available at Prép in 3 different colours (Mint, Purple, Pink). It has smaller knobs on the top and grooves on the bottom. The smaller knobs are used for foaming and lathering soap and water into your brushes. The bottom grooves are used to agitate the bristles and remove dirt, oil, and product. For just $9.95, it’s a no brainer investment that will probably be used almost as often as your brushes… or at least it should!
- Pump out a nickel size amount of gentle shampoo or natural body wash to the centre of your BrushEgg
- Wet your makeup brush and rub it around until you see the colour come through on the BrushEgg
- Rinse off your makeup brush, squeeze out excess water and lay on its side, or even better – hang your makeup brush upside down to dry
- Repeat for all makeup brushes until clean!
Prép Beauty Parlour is located at 1054 Hornby Street in beautiful downtown Vancouver, British Columbia. We specialize in nails, eyelash extensions, waxing, massages, facials, event/bridal hair & makeup. We’d love to hear from you! Email inquiries to [email protected]. Call us at 604-764-6452. Check out our 5 Star Yelp page here! Don’t forget to follow and like our Instagram and Facebook pages!