Prolong Your Lash Life With Intelliseal Available Now At Prép Beauty Parlour

Best Selling Intelliseal by Bella Lash now available at Prép Beauty Parlour!

Bella Lash has developed a vitamin packed lash sealer to help your lashes be strong and last longer than ever. The unmatched blend of quality vitamins and extracts provide added nourishment to your natural lashes as well as your gorgeous new extensions. The new binders and added drying agent helps cure adhesive in less time and best of all, doesn’t burn your eyes!


To Use:

Apply Intelliseal by using the mascara-like wand, gently to the extensions as if you were applying makeup. Should only be applied every 2-3 days max.

Come get this amazing sealer for only $32 at Prép Beauty Parlour, located at 1054 Hornby St, downtown Vancouver. Call 604-764-6452 or email us at [email protected] to have us save you one before they’re all gone!!